1. Fundamentals of minerals concentration by comminution prior the flotation process. Fundamentals and
Justification of minerals concentration. Operations prior concentration by flotation: Crushing – Grinding –
Classification Size of release product, concentration by flotation. Concept of contact angle, size of bubble
and mineral hydrophobicity.
2. Laboratory Flotation. Copper mineral flotation in laboratory cells. Preparation and dosage of each reagent.
3. Flotation of Minerals – Fundamentals and Mechanism. Flotation Kinetics. Variables, parameters and
flotation effects. Metallurgical balances. Flotation reagents. Types and dosage effects. Selection of
4. Sulphur Flotation. Conditioning of mineral and dosage of reagents.
5. Flotation cells. Flotation operation and mechanism in a cell. Design and types of cells: mechanical and
pneumatic. Large volume cells. Column Cells. Operation, mechanism and variables.
6. Differential flotation. Flotation of a polymetallic mineral of copper, lead and zinc. Balance of materials.
Review of models and various cases.
7. Flotation circuits. Rougher, Cleaner and Scavenger flotation. Flotation of one product and differential
flotation. Flowsheets of metallurgical plants. Metallurgical balances: Material balance: recovery calculation
and concentration ratio.
8. Column flotation. Flotation of a mineral in column cell. Balance of materials.
9. Laboratory – Workshop
- Modelling of flotation kinetic, recovery/time curves, García-Zuñiga and Klimpel models, development of
models with Ms Excel and Solver.
- Development of flotation circuits with MetSim, ModSim and other programs. Interpretation of results.
- Real cases of flotation plants of gold, lead, zinc, copper and molybdenum; evaluation of design criteria
and metallurgical balance of the process.
International consultant in design of plants and processes. Advisor of different operations and mining projects both, national and international, with more than 20 years of experience in the mining sector.
Includes :
High level and specialized course.
Physical material.
Back pack.
USB Memory stick with digital slides and material.
Diploma granted by International Metallurgical Consultants.
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